Living to die well

19863722Everybody wants to get the most out of life, to make sure that nothing good passes them by. They want to live to the full, to make every day count, to move closer to their dreams every day. But is this why we have the short breath of our lives given to us–to fill it to the brim with stuff and busyness? That would be like reducing a race to the mere steps along the way and caring nothing for the finish line. Who enters a race with no thought of actually finishing, and finishing well? Shouldn’t we stop and think about how we plan to end this thing called life? Shouldn’t we consider what kind of living would ensure that we die well?  Continue reading “Living to die well”

Thoughts of heaven

This morning I spent some time meditating upon heaven. It is such a vast subject that I found myself lost in the thoughts of it! The joys that await us cannot be less infinite than the God in whom we’ll find those joys and from whom we’ll receive them. And though our souls shall be perfect in comparison to what they are now, and delighted and ravished with the presence of God Most High, yet they shall ever be on the increase, growing wiser and wiser in God as the ages roll on eternally. Let me share some of my thoughts with you. Continue reading “Thoughts of heaven”