Forgiving as we’ve been forgiven

imagesSome people have hurt us so badly that we can hardly think of them without thinking of the wrong they did us–though a long time ago, and feeling like it was just yesterday. We say we’ve forgiven them, but our being unable to think of them without recalling the injury and without having the heat of anger, bitterness, or resentment arise in our hearts all over again, reveals that we’ve not yet forgiven them as we’ve been forgiven, Eph 4.32. We’ve not yet forgiven them as a Christian should and can.  Continue reading “Forgiving as we’ve been forgiven”

The blessings of true friendship

We’ve been looking at friendships the last few days. Things to look for in a friend. Things to avoid in looking for a friend. Pitfalls to avoid in friendships. I have a final word for you this morning: the blessings enjoyed in friendship. When you find a true friend, someone you can let close to you and with whom you feel comfortable opening your heart, someone you can trust with yourself and whose wisdom, input, and opinion you trust, there are some real blessings in such a friendship.  Continue reading “The blessings of true friendship”

The pitfalls to avoid in friendships

Real friendship has fallen on the rocks in these days of cheap, easy friends through social media. We can have thousands of Facebook friends and yet not so much as one real friend. Or, we could be connected with several true friends through social media but because of the nature of the relationship (through posts, pics, and likes) we lose sight of what a real friend is supposed to be and do. I hope these posts on friendship help you think through the kind of friend you are and the kind of friends you have. Having good, close friends is a real treasure and blessing in life that should never be taken for granted. And now that we’ve covered the things to look for and avoid in choosing friends, I’d like to give you some advice about relationships. Continue reading “The pitfalls to avoid in friendships”