Having shared some thoughts of heaven and of earth over the last two days, it might be expected that today I would share thoughts of hell. And what heavy and sad thoughts they are… Hell is not a pleasant thing to think about; but we can’t escape the fact that our Saviour and His Holy Scripture put it before our minds repeatedly and honestly in an effort to strike the conscience with the truth and fearfulness of it. We must, therefore, think of hell. But alas! there’s nothing good that can be said about it. Continue reading “Thoughts of hell”
No condemnation for those in Christ Jesus
I’m sure you’ve read Romans 8.1-3 countless times. It’s one of those passages in Scripture that we never tire of reading. “…no condemnation…set you free…from the law…he condemned sin in the flesh…” It’s rich from start to finish, full of soul-gladdening truth.
But it’s one thing to know the truth and it’s another to be comforted by it. I want to encourage you to look briefly at this text and to walk away from it with the comfort God intends you to have by it. Let’s walk through it together. Continue reading “No condemnation for those in Christ Jesus”